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An Hike & Fly Wing
for Mountains Lovers


The new "Hike & Fly" wing from Flyfat.CH

The pleasure of a hike multiplies the joy of flight, for those who enjoy this noble practice. Thus, we have developed our new "Hike & Fly" wing, whose name comes from a mountain that we particularly like; the Rübli, culminating at 2284 m. ​


The Rübli is a wing that offers great performance, pleasant handling, and magical feelings. It can be stored in a compact way, and its reasonable weight make it easy to do outings in the mountains, which will remain etched in memory.


An ideal wing for our flying hiker friends. The 19.0, for example, is perfectly suited to featherweights.


Download the pilot manual

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Which use for which total weight in-flight ?

The behaviour of a wing depends also on the total weight in flight. We propose two level of use here :

  • Classique : Evolution in the classic field of the EN/LTF B certification.

  • Dynamique : Higher weight than the certified one, the wing become more dynamic, but remains "safe".

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Choice of materials

Rübli is made of high quality materials, furnished by producers like Porcher Sport, Liros or Edelried.  

Fabric on upper surface : Skytex 32 on leading edge, & Skytex 27 for upper surface

Fabrics on lower surface : Skytex 27

Fabric for profiles and internal structure : Skytex 27 Hard

Lines on intermediate and upper galleries : Edelried 8000

Lower lines : Liros PPSL

Risers : Dyneema from Liros, with mylons as connectors. 

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We propose two colours

Personalised colours can be obtained under certain conditions. Please contact us.

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Colour 1

Colour 2

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Fréd à propos de sa Gummfluh
Michel Ferrer en visite au Pays-d'Enhaut
Nicolas Rock the outdoor
Elodie à propos de sa Gummfluh
Anick sous une Gummfluh
Charlie sous la Gummfluh
Franck, France
Simon avec une Tayo
Guillaume avec une Gummfluh


Voici quelques photos de ma Gummfluh, merci beaucoup pour cette voile qui
me donne énormément de plaisir.


Fa, Lausanne

La c'est la classe bel achat !!! Et respect est bravo aux Team FLYFAT
pour leur super Matos .



Bravo et grand respect pour votre travaille bravo !!! Franck



Merci à ptitflo, à flyfat et toute son équipe de m’avoir redonné le plaisir de voler. La Gummfluh m’a permis de faire plusieurs fois le plafond en vol de plaine à Quittebeuf, et de goûter aux nuages cette année, ce que je n’avais jamais réussi avant. 



La casquette déchire .

Flyfat.CH 2001-2021 

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