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Hey Ho!


Join us for the Flyfat Selfie Contest

The theme focuses for once on self-derision and the sharing of emotions.

Young pilot with your trapanelle, you wonder if the old guns make the same face as you when entering an atomic thermal?

Old champ! Show the young white-beaks that despite the thick leather of which the pilot will cover he will remain a sensitive being!

How does it work?

1 Aim your head with the camera or phone attached to the cockpit (in the hand only for tandem passengers)

2 Film your face in selfie mode especially on chemical days

3 Don’t fake, let nature take care of you :)

4 Make a screenshot of the face you’re least proud of

5 Upload the photo on     and put the rest in the trash!

Three categories :

My head in the +7

My head in the loose

Her/His head in the -17 (tandem passenger)

Treat yourself, make your friends laugh and win small rewards offered by Flyfat.CH, Revis’ Aile Control Worksop, Syride and others.


Chargement en cours...

Tu vas être redirigé.

See you at Coupe Icare for receiving small rewards with our friends ;

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